Telegram tokens can often be identified as part of the following URL scheme:<TOKENHERE>/
In order to use this tool you need to copy the <TOKENHERE> part. You can analyze multiple tokens at ones. Please enter one token per line.
Tokens should always have the format:
If your token does not match this format, you likely only recovered a partial token. Feel free to reach out for help.
The main tool will give you the following information:
- Status: 200 indicates working token, 400 and 401 indicate an invalid token
- ID: The unique Telegram Bot ID
- Username: The current username associated with the bot (use this to search the bot in the Telegram application)
- First Name: The configured "First Name" of the bot
- Advanced Info (must be toggled): If you have a valid access token you will receive additional information if the token has been analyzed by the teletoken info backend. See Section "Advanced Features".
- Permissions: Shows a selected set of permissions of the bot that might be useful for further analysis.